Community Resources and Links
Links from the Los Angeles Fire Department:
Watch Duty app
Current information on all brush fires in California. Updated often, with up to the minute evacuation requirements.
All the brush information that includes Brush Clearance Requirements, inspection process etc…
Link to READY, SET, GO! Everything you need to know about evacuation.
Link is to the LAFD’s Stay Informed page, which gives up to date incident information.
Save Chatsworth
Dedicated to ensuring that all future development remains consistent with the existing rural character and heritage of Chatsworth.
Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce
The Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce has always taken the forefront in business advocacy, as well as the betterment of our community-at-large.
Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council
Members are representatives from clubs, organizations, agencies, schools, and religious bodies, plus interested individual businesses and residents of the Chatsworth community. The Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council (CCCC) is a problem-focusing, fact-gathering, action-recommending, project-coordinating group. Its primary purpose is to foster a better community in which to live.
Chatsworth Historical Society
The CHS was formed in 1963 and upholds a three point mission in addition to the commemoration of historical dates and events: (1) to preserve and mark historic sites and landmarks of the Chatsworth area. (2) to be an agency for the collection of photographs, artifacts, and archaeological items that represent the history of Chatsworth. (3) to establish a museum to house and exhibit the collection.
Equestrian Organizations and Information
ETI Corral 54
The National Chapter of Equestrian Trials, Inc. (E.T.I.) was established as a nonprofit cororation in 1944 with the Charter to be “Dedicated to the Acquisition and Preservation of Trails, Good Horsemanship, and Equine Legislation.” This site has been established to provide easy access to the “goings on” for ETI Corral 54.
Valley Horse Owners Association
The members are your neighbors and fellow equestrians. We share common interests such as the agricultural zoning in our communities, preserving our semi-rural lifestyles and using our land for horse keeping.
Community Alert
LAPD Devonshire (Chatsworth) Contact Info
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