Aliso Canyon Health Study CAG continues weekly mini-townhall series!
Aliso Canyon Health Study CAG continues weekly mini-townhall series!
The Community Advisory Group (CAG), working on the Aliso Canyon Health Research Study, continues our weekly mini-townhall series Monday, April 12th at 6pm PST via Zoom. This week’s topic is: “CAG suggested response to Goals & Priorities Draft”
- Goals & Priorities
- What does it say?
- CAG suggestions for how the public should submit comments?
- CAG suggested language additions, to try and ensure a patient-centric, clinical study is performed
- Videos of past town halls available at:
Don’t miss your chance to hear the truth about how the Aliso Canyon Health Research Study is really going and why you need to be very concerned.
Each week the CAG will discuss a new topic, giving insights to who’s done what, the challenges faced, and who’s getting in the way of the people-centric study the community deserves. This isn’t another webinar with us just talking at you, we want to hear from you! Each week includes a Q&A session.
For much more information on the Community Advisory Group, to watch our past townhall videos, our actions, our views and much more, visit or email us at
We look forward to seeing you Monday!
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