Aliso Canyon Health Study Update 6-11-21

FROM 6/11/21:
To: DPH Leadership, SOC and ACDHRS Team
From: CAG
Per DPH’s request and listed below are the agenda items the CAG and community require be covered at the upcoming CAG meeting on June 28th. This list was vetted and approved by the CAG. Furthermore, there are several items on the DPH proposed agenda that due to time constraints are of limited value and are itemized below to be excluded from the meeting and encourage DPH to follow up in an email.
Since DPH forced the public CAG meeting to quarterly, the CAG insists these meetings to me as productive as possible, therefore the agenda must focus on resolving the issues which are a top priority of the community as follows. Anything else would be to ignore this harmed community:
CAG & Community Priority Agenda Items:
- Open meeting with a brief community update by the CAG (5 mins)
- Screen sharing of information including the images below
- Chemical List
- Review and immediately release of any new and all information to the public with full disclosure
- Review additional information needed and next steps
- Explanation of why DPH delayed in obtaining critical path information
- Next Steps on Goals & Priorities re-draft prior to RFP
- Including specifics to meet the community’s stated required medical needs
- Clinical evaluations and long term monitoring
- Evaluations of pre and post blowout chronic exposure health impacts
- Full disclosure of the initial goals and priority feedback from the community
- Establish public comment period
- Radiation investigation within the community (not just on site at Aliso)
- Cancer Registry Study
- Follow up to CAG and community’s demands for a proper proximity study of those living close to Aliso versus those distant from gas and oil facilities
- To answer the question: are those living near Aliso just as safe as those that live a far distance from Gas & Oil facilities?
- CBC Study – as agreed upon over 1 year ago
- 100% transparency of the procuring and sharing of the raw data from Quest Labs (with HIPPA compliance)
- Dual researchers, internal DPH and researcher approved by CAG (statistician used for Dr. Nordella’s study was already vetted and approved by Dr. Paul Simon of DPH)
- Full Accounting of ACDHS Funds
- Funds spent, on what and to who, and any commitments
- Net available based on $25 million
- Updated quarterly
- DPH to immediately publish all CAG Meeting recordings to the public website
- DPH is nearly 1 year behind in posting
- Full response to CAG’s email on June 7th
Craig Galanti
Galanti Consulting, Inc.
C: 818-749-0037
Click Here to View Craig’s LinkedIn Profile
UPDATE FROM 5/24/21:
Dear Aliso Canyon Health Study CAG and Community Members,
We hope this email finds you doing well. Below, please find updates on the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study (ACDHRS). If you have any questions, please feel free to submit them to
Draft Health Study Goals & Priorities
Thank you for submitting your comments on the draft Health Study Goals and Priorities document. At this time, the Aliso Canyon project team is working to compile all comments that were submitted and will provide them to the Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC) to review. The feedback will inform the SOC as they finalize the Goals and Priorities and main components of the Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP will be released within the upcoming months. Once a contract has been awarded, research implementation will begin.
Environmental Data
While a wealth of information and environmental data exists and can support a robust Health Study of the potential health impacts related to the Aliso Canyon blowout and gas facility operations, the Los Angeles County and the Department of Public Health (Public Health) are committed to collecting and compiling any additional data and information related to the blowout at the Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Facility. Additional information on previously requested data items (including environmental sampling data collected below and above mesh grates and exterior home cleaning data) have been received from the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). Additionally, Public Health has requested any outstanding information and environmental data from SoCalGas that may inform the development and implementation of research to be conducted as part of the Aliso Canyon Disaster Health Research Study.
Relevant environmental data items are available on the Health Research Study Introduction and Resources webpage. A detailed summary of existing environmental data will soon be posted on this webpage as well.
Community Advisory Group
Please visit Public Health’s Community Advisory Group (CAG) page to view upcoming meetings, access meeting agendas, view CAG meeting summaries 1-16, and other materials. Public Health encourages members of the public to attend and provide input during the public comment periods.
Community Alert
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