Challenges – Selection 2017
Subject: Challenge for the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Selection – 3/18/17
To: Chatsworth NC Selection <>Good afternoon! I am challenging the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Selection 2017 based on the following:
From: Jennifer Milbauer
Subject: Challenge to Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Selection
To: Chatsworth Neighborhood Council <>
#1 There was a flyer being passed out prior to the selection on March 18th, as well as on the day of the selection. Which was an invitation to stakeholders, (this was also left at local businesses & schools,) that clearly indicates that it is an invitation from the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council. You will note that in the “WHO” portion of the invitation flyer, it says “The Chatsworth Neighborhood Council” which represent that the request is coming from the current Chatsworth NC Board. (If that was not the intention, the flyer should have stated “What” instead of “Who,” however it did not, and I believe the choice of words was deliberate.) Further, there is a picture of Stoney Point landscape used on the flyer, which is synonymous with the Chatsworth NC, as they use the same picture on the front page of their website & in their Facebook Profile Pics / Posts. Wording & picture of this flyer tricks the stakeholder into believing that this was an official document, in which the candidates listed on the invitation were being endorsed by the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council. Nowhere on the flyer does it state that it is NOT the Chatsworth NC who is responsible for publishing the flyer; no other entity is credited with the endorsement of that specific slate. This selection should not be certified. It should be voided and redone, since there is clear tampering on the part of whomever published that flyer to trick stakeholders into believing the candidates listed on the flyer were endorsed by current CNC board.
Subj: Please Vote Vicki Briskman for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council this Saturday, March 18!
Documents distributed at the CNC Selection Committee meeting held on March 29, 2017.
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