Chatsworth NC Selection 2024 – Candidate Statements
(In Filing Order)
Shawn Shawmlou
Hello Chatsworth Neighbors,
I am Shawn Shawmlou, and I am honored to be a part of our vibrant community as a candidate for the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council (CNC).
I am currently serving as the VP on the board, and I am dedicated to leveraging this experience to continue serving our community, ensuring that our neighborhood remains a place where families can thrive and feel safe. Over the past two years, I have seen the true power of collaboration and partnership in shaping the future of our city. Through my involvement on multiple committees, I have advocated for the interests of Chatsworth residents by bringing Community Impact Statements to District 12 & participating in shaping and bringing many events to our residents that I hope you all had a chance to experience and enjoy.
As an active community member, I am dedicated to tackling homelessness and ensuring the safety of all who call Chatsworth home. As a horse owner, I am passionate about preserving our equestrian community and upholding our traditional values.
My support for law enforcement is evidenced by my volunteer work at the Devonshire station, and my active involvement with ETI Corral 54 underscores my commitment to our equestrian heritage. Professionally, I work in the construction industry as an executive and also serve as a part-time faculty member at CSUN.
Thank you for considering me to represent you on the Neighborhood Council. I’m eager to work alongside you to make Chatsworth an even better place.
Shawn Shawmlou
Mark Lauterman
Who is my neighbor, the Good Samaritan or Neighborhood Watch? Jesus is the Wonderful Counsellor, of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end. Isaiah fifty eight seven encourages one to bring the poor that are cast out to your house, then your darkness shall be as the noonday. If you are for law and order you should listen to the Torah. Leviticus Nineteen nine says to leave the corners of your fields for the poor, not that that is trespassing. Deuteronomy Twenty-two four says when you see your brother’s ass fallen down, lift them up, not confiscate their motorhome. To oppress the poor is to reproach your maker. To plead for the poor is to know God. Jesus did not have a place to lay his head and warned people to help the least of these. He that restores is spiritual and that government will be established. God puts the solitary in families, lifts up the beggar, and devises means that his banished be not expelled. The strong shall bear the infirmities of the weak. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Mark Lauterman
Kāmesh Aysola
My name is Kāmesh Aysola. One of my favorites is the four-letter word, ‘help’ which I use wherever there is a need in the community. For instance, I helped students and parents while teaching science, mathematics and other subjects at Lawrence Middle School (LMS) and other schools for over twenty years.
I have been elected to the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council (CNC) around 2008 and am proud of my accomplishments in serving the community. As Chair/Co-Chair of the Beautification Committee, our team’s highlights include providing a handicap-accessible curb at LMS—the first in the school’s 40-year history, and repaving Independence Ave to easen drop offs and pickups for about 500 stakeholders. We have also planted and maintained trees in the school and along Mason St. I take pride in collaborating with other organizations in promoting anti-littering campaigns like ‘Keeping Our Streets Clean’.
I actively participate in various CNC Committees including Enrichment, Outreach, Selection and Homelessness Awareness. My latest contribution is helping reach out to local schools to participate in creating posters for the upcoming marquee event, Day Of The Horse, scheduled for April. Earlier, we have started organizing a community-led ‘Beautification Events’ in February 2022. Next one is this March.
My hobbies include reading, writing, traveling, and photography. I have visited over 70 countries, many of them with my dear wife Padma, and our two kids Shivani and Vyshnavi.
I request your valuable vote to help me continue serving our Chatsworth. You may reach me at
Paul LaBella
I have lived in Chatsworth for over 25 years. Coming from New York, Chatsworth was a pleasant change for me. With the great weather and friendly people. Chatsworth has always been known as a clean safe community. I want to keep it that way. I am married and a father of 2 daughters who graduated from St John Eudes School. I have been a Parishioner of St John Eudes Church since I moved here. I am Vice President of the Men’s Council of the Church, and we donate time and money every year to our community. I am also a Commander with the U S Coast Guard Auxiliary witch I have been a member for over 15 years. As a Council member I would be active in keeping our community safe and using our resources to better the community in which we live.
James Thomas Mark MacDonald
As a Chatsworth Resident, and a local business owner I feel a strong sense of duty to represent the best parts of our beloved community by always prioritizing, families, faith, and contributing to the safety and prosperity of our local economy. I believe if we come together and prioritize these things, this district can flourish like never before.
Kristen Shubert
I chose to live in a beautiful and friendly neighborhood in Chatsworth ten years ago, and during this time I have developed my skills as a winemaker, journalist, small business owner, and Captain of the USA Wine Tasting Team.
I am currently the Vice-President of our HOA, and the President of two non-profit organizations. In those roles, I am responsible for scheduling meetings, organizing content, ensuring meetings run smoothly, hosting public seminars, approving budgets and spending, and arranging special events and appearances locally, statewide, and internationally.
As a consultant for a multinational corporation, I represented small business owners at several Neighborhood Councils; I have the advantage of understanding both sides. I believe these skills are exactly what is needed to be a successful member of the CNC.
Recently, we had a residential burglary in our HOA community, on Canoga Avenue. When I researched local crime statistics- residential crime is up 3.5% in our area, according to Mayor Bass. I believe we must utilize the resources our Devonshire Command has to stop it now.
I am still intimidated to walk my dog near the Canoga corridor. I believe we can do more to humanely assist those experiencing homelessness in Chatsworth; I would like all residents to feel safe.
In 2013, our property crime rate was 82% lower than the national average, today, we are 18% higher than the national average.
I chose this community, and now I would like to restore and preserve it by serving on the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council.
Douglas Nolan
I moved to Chatsworth in 2011 before the Orange Line extension. Being a boy, I thought the train was the greatest thing in the world… and I still do. But I watched it day by day get taken over by the homeless. I am boots on the ground guy and I started off taking pictures and WRITING. I got their attention to the point where Lindsay Horvath’s office not only responded, but they gave me the cell phone number of her assistant and they started calling me because they knew I was a front runner of getting rid of the encampment. I also flew a drone down the river and showed the Environmental Protection Agency they were dumping trash in the L.A. river and gave them all a bird’s eye up close view.
I don’t own any horses yet. But I have ridden all over those hills and consider myself an intermediate rider. I did get thrown off a Thoroughbred on Chatsworth Street one time. I landed on my feet. But my legs hurt for 6 months.
I just want to say I love Chatsworth and I do everything with the best intentions including continuing to monitor the homeless.
Ricardo Gracia
I will represent the residents of Chatsworth to the best of my abilities.
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