2019 Candidate Statements
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2019 Candidate Statements
(Presented in Random Ballot Order)
Dorothy Allison | Dan Huffman | Audrey Mondragon | Renay Grace Rodriguez | Ryan Roberts | Daryl Smith | Olga Alonzo Litton | Shekhar Chikhalikar | Roberto Pozzi |James M. Yeager | Vicki Briskman | Eugene Butler | Wilson Del Pizzo | Kamesh Aysola | Don D. Paul | Jeff Mackie | Jeff Hammond | Maie Abed | Jose Thomas | Marina Mackie | Mark E. Labash | Spencer Goldbeck | Summer Walters | Steve Columbus | Mark Cox
Dorothy Allison – No Candidate Statement or Photo submitted
Hello, my name is Dan Huffman. I spent most of my life as a Chatsworth resident and horse owner. My wife Kimberly and I have raised a family, operate two businesses, own a ranch as well as own a Historical Landmark here in town and have been deeply involved in our community, in many different aspects and ways for decades to keep Chatsworth as rural as humanly possible. I strongly support limited but sensible growth, open space, good schools and a clean safe rustic neighborhood environment for all of us to live in. I would deeply appreciate your support and your vote on Saturday, March 16, 2019 for a Chatsworth Neighborhood Council seat. Thank You.
Audrey Mondragon – No Photo submitted
Hello my name is Audrey Mondragon and I am interested in becoming a part of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council because I have lived in Chatsworth for 3 years and I love this neighborhood and what I have learned about it so far. There is the potential for myself right now to get know this neighborhood better and being involved on this council is a great way to achieve that goal, not only is it great for myself but it is great for the people of Chatsworth because I would like to focus on what the people believe could help Chatsworth be the best version of itself not only for the 2 years if I am selected to be on this neighborhood council but for generations to come. My qualifications that will allow me to apart of this neighborhood council is that I have the determination, voice and courage to help this neighborhood grow and empower other neighborhoods to grow as well.
Starting in 1998 as a Consumer Bankruptcy and Real Estate Attorney, to becoming an Educator, Chatsworth Business Improvement District Board Member; then in 2008, when Chatsworth became my home through 2018, I have seen many changes that have caused me to pause with great concern for our community. We must have zealous advocacy with the City government that has the final say in what affects our community. I am committed to having an open-mind, patience and endurance to engage in the lengthy and sometimes difficult arguments which lead to solutions for which we can all feel proud of ourselves and our community. I hope you will give me the opportunity to use my experiences to be your advocate. It’s time for more of us to actively participate in the decision-making that will affect our community. I am here as an ardent advocate for the people of Chatsworth to seek out your concerns and bring them to the City Council table so we the people of Chatsworth get fed. It’s time for us to eat! Please vote for Renay Grace Rodriguez for your Chatsworth Neighborhood Council.
As a homeless advocate, I focus more on the homeless crisis and on mental health. If elected, I would work with leaders to see what resources can be used to expand homeless shelters, rehab and recovery centers, and job placement centers. Everybody deserves a second chance and I believe with homelessness that they deserve a second chance to improve their lives.
My name is Daryl Smith. I have been a Chatsworth stakeholder for over 20 years. I am an individual with a passion for making a difference. I believe that using that passion to help the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council move forward is my civic duty.
I have been active in our community and throughout the City of Los Angeles for a long time. From being an athletic coach in various sports for a number of years at Mason Park and other locations, to being an involved parent of a son who attended Chatsworth High School. I continue to be active in the community.
I am currently a member of the Board of Zoo Commissioners for the City of Los Angeles and the President of the Los Angeles Mission College Foundation. I had been involved with the Special Olympics and continue to volunteer and support youth and young adults with special needs throughout the valley.
I believe that my professional background is as a business and marketing consultant can be a benefit to the Board.
If elected to the Board I will work for the betterment of all and to see that our community’s needs are identified and fully met.
Hi, my name is Olga Alonzo Litton, and I am running for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and I am super excited to do so. My commitment is strong in helping others, and my community. Originally from Honduras, I have lived in California, the San Fernando Valley, for over 30 years. I married a local man who is a teacher at Lawrence Middle school. We have two children, one at Lawrence and the other at Chatsworth Park Elementary. I have 30 years of experience in the HealthCare field, emphasizing in Caring for the Elderly, primarily with Alzheimer’s and/or Dementia. I have seen the necessity for better communication and understanding about this disease, the effects it creates on our families and ultimately on our community.
Recently I opened a business in Chatsworth, The Because We Care Foundation, it’s a way to respond to a clear need in our community, to help those helping others, with a vision, and compassion, for their family and caregivers. I strive to reach out to my neighbors, anyone who wants to help build a stronger community and to reach out to those who need our help.
Hello! My name is Shekhar Chikhalikar (no. 8 on the ballot). I am a local business owner, and Chatsworth has been my home for the last 15 years. I have two children who go to a local school. I have a personal stake in making Chatsworth a beautiful, clean, and a safe city for homeowners, families, and local business owners.
I have helped organize and volunteered in our community events. Some of my past and current affiliations are as follows: past President and Board Member of Chatsworth Kiwanis; past Board Member of Supporters of LAPD in Devonshire (S.O.L.I.D.); past Vice President of Political Affairs of Chatsworth and Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce; and past Vice President of Business Improvement District of Chatsworth (B.I.D.). I have served Chatsworth by being a member of Chatsworth Neighborhood Council for 4 years before I took a 2-year break for personal reasons. As a CNC member, I served as a Secretary and was part of various Committees such as Equestrian, Outreach, and Legislative.
With your support and vote, I would love to continue to volunteer and represent our community by being part of CNC. Thank you.
- My name is: Roberto Pozzi.
- I have graduated from CSUN in 1974.
- I have worked as a teacher continuously for 47 years in three different Private Schools in the San Fernando Valley. (Highland Hall School, Chaminade College Prep, and Campbell Hall School).
- I retired in 2017.
- I have lived in the Trails Community (Equestrian Properties) for 42 years.
- I have been serving as a member of the Board of Directors Trails Community Association since 1982.
The following are important issues, that in my opinion, this Council should be working to accomplish them for our community:
- SAFETY: This is a current big issue everywhere. It is important to anticipate, and work with the City to create Sub-Police stations to be placed in strategic areas of our neighborhood.
- NOISE POLLUTION: It is about time that we work to abate noise pollution form locomotive whistles in Chatsworth. It is ridiculous that locomotive engineers have to blow the horns four times, when approaching the street gates. We should be working towards making Chatsworth a “Quiet Zone”
HOMELESSNESS: This is a huge problem. It seems to me, and I think it has been proven that facilitating too many things to them does (exceeded 200 word limit)
I’m a long-time resident of Chatsworth I grew up here was raised here. I
have always loved Chatsworth I go to my local stores An shops within our Community. I Have six kids and I just liked them to see what one person Who cares can do to help their community. I know that I can show that by Serving the Chatsworth council. I’m a civil servant I work for Dwp I’m a shop steward since the 90s I’ve been on two Mutual bargaining committees for Dwp one was on the water systems and water distribution in early 90s. My interest Services for the community and for The residence to reach their goals of what they want to see happen with our Community. I like to help with the homeless in our local area do anything I can for the animals in our area. I have a huge heart and I care very passionate about things that I’m involved with let me be the Person to get your words Heard as I have for my coworkers, I’m no stranger to standing up for what’s right and what I believe in. I will stand tall and strong for all of you. Sincerely james yeager
My name is Vicki Briskman and I have lived in Chatsworth since 1976, where I raised my 3 daughters who would play in Chatsworth Park South and hike and rode horses in the mountains above Mason and Celtic Street, and I have 4 wonderful grandchildren.
I have served on the CNC for a total of 10+ years, and I have been the Treasurer for 8 of those years. Serving on the CNC gives me the opportunity to give back to the community.
Along with being Treasurer, I currently serve on the following committees: Chair of the Enrichment Committee, Beautification, Homeless Awareness, Land Use, and Outreach. Additionally, I am assisting the Equestrian Committee with The Day of the Horse event.
In addition to serving on the CNC, I am past President of the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce, a life-time member of the Historical Society, and Board Member/Director of the Rancho de Caballeros Homeowner’s Association.
I am asking for your support so we can keep Chatsworth the small and unique community that it is.
My name is Eugene Butler and I’m running for a position on the Chatsworth City Council. I am a writer/actor/teacher. I’ve lived in this area for almost thirty years and I can’t imagine a more beautiful place to live and raise a family. However, the rate of crime in our area has risen to where it’s now higher than the crime rates in Porter Ranch, West Hills and Winnetka. This trend has to stop. If Elected, one of my main priorities will be to focus on finding ways to keep our neighborhoods safe, lower its crime levels, and to also continue the Council’s wonderful and important work in keeping our parks clean, our Out-Reach Programs expanding, our traffic moving, all of our potholes filled, protecting our environment, and to be open to any and all suggestions or complaints by Chatsworth Citizens. Thank you for making the effort and taking the time needed to read this…and please don’t forget to VOTE. Eugene Butler, candidate for the Chatsworth City Council.
I am born and raised in the Northern San Fernando Valley and I can not think of another place to live. I went to the local schools and even graduated from Cal State University Northridge. My wife and I even got married at St. John Eudes! I feel privileged and honored to call Chatsworth my home and have been extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to own a home and business here in Chatsworth. The community has been kind, welcoming, and charitable and I feel that it is my duty to participate in maintaining the family values that are so prevalent here. I love everything about Chatsworth. The aspect that I love the most is that most businesses here are family operated and owned facilities from Chatsworth Tires to San Carlo Deli. It is hard to find another community that is so supportive of small local businesses. There are not many communities that exist like this in the valley and that is why I feel that it is all of our responsibilities to maintain and protect the integrity of Chatsworth, as well as continue to support the development and growth of small family businesses.
Dear Neighbor!
This is Kamesh Aysola, your neighbor. It’s an honor to continue to represent you on the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council as I’ve done for over a decade. On your behalf, my stakeholders, I’ve taken great pride in providing handicap access to Lawrence Middle School & spearheaded the re-pavement of Independence Avenue (within 6 months versus the standard city cycle of 60 years!). As CNC Beautification Committee Chair, I’ve worked to maintain the historic olive trees along Lassen Street & helped plant trees along Mason Street. I find pleasure in helping the under-served at the Laundromat by teaming with the Freedom Church.
As a teacher for over two decades, I work with students from various backgrounds, including those from juvenile detention. I enjoy preparing students for real world jobs & assisting parents in addressing endeavors of their children. My civic engagement in education began in 1996 with election to the following: Multicultural Committee, Dearborn Elementary; Parent Committee, Sepulveda Gifted Middle School and the Magnet Parents Association, Van Nuys High School. My contributions include securing air-conditioned facilities for testing during the fiery San Fernando Valley summers.
Please remember to Mark #15 on the ballot this Saturday, March 16!
Thank you.
Jeff Mackie has been a resident of Chatsworth for more than 10 years and has lived in the San Fernando Valley over 50 years. A previous business owner in Chatsworth, he is now working as a Business Analyst in the Telecommunications Testing industry. Jeff is married with children and actively participates in local community events. Jeff has been involved with the CNC’s signature community events particularly “Ride the Colt”. He and his wife are seeking to organize and oversee the CNC’s “Ride the Colt” event from council positions to ensure it continues to be offered to the community.
The Chatsworth Neighborhood Council provides a direct way to volunteer in our community. There are many organizations that contribute to the makeup of Chatsworth. For myself this organization is a great way to participate and make a difference.
My involvement goes back to around 2005. I participated as a stakeholder on committees and then was elected to the full board at a later date. Currently serving as the president of the CNC.
As the CNC has matured the issues and concerns facing Chatsworth have also changed. CNC provides an opportunity to have early input in the rules city government imposes and allows to happen in our community. There will be a push to change the makeup of Chatsworth via zoning and development. This will be a challenge to the lifestyle we’ve come to enjoy.
I want to preserve our beautiful open space. My wife and I enjoy regular hikes on trails through the hills.
Chatsworth deserves an involved community. The CNC can assist in that along with the other organizations. That said my participation has been rewarding and I wish to continue as a CNC board member.
I’m running for Chatsworth Neighborhood council to bring a new voice to our neighborhood. Advocating for changes that make Chatsworth a place that we are all proud of. I will devotedly work towards solving continuous issues like reducing our homelessness crisis, protecting our schools, bettering our environment, and fixing our streets. We need to do everything we can to work towards a solution to the issues that the people of Chatsworth face every day, and I will do everything I can to make change happen.
Having been involved in various organizations and Property owners in Chatsworth for the last decade, my family and I now feel that time has come for me to seek the elected office. Being Chatsworth as a beautiful city and growing with new residential, business and faith communities, I see an opportunity for me to be part of the CNC.
I am a member and serving as the Director of Sunday school at St. Mary’s Malankara Orthodox Church can bring in leadership and various thoughts for the betterment of the community. I love the city of Chatsworth for the numerous potential opportunities it offers, and hope to build a respectful community rich in values. My focus is to keep the nature of Chatsworth neighborhood intact while being open to the diverse needs of the growing multi-faith and multi-cultural society.
With lots of promises and thoughts in mind, I now seek support and vote from each one of you for me to be elected as the board member of Chatsworth Neighborhood Council on March 16st,
Thank You and God Bless America
Marina Mackie has lived in the San Fernando Valley over 45 years and a current resident of Chatsworth for more than 10 years. Marina is married with children and actively participates in local community events. She is enthusiastic, volunteering to help others in the community and is a member of multiple community-based organizations. She has been involved with the CNC’s signature community events particularly “Ride the Colt”. Marina and her husband are seeking to organize and oversee the CNC’s “Ride the Colt” event from council positions to ensure it continues to be offered to the community.
I have been a lived and worked in Chatsworth for over 40% of my life and been a West Valley San Fernando Valley resident for almost 70% of it. I have survive here since before the big Northridge Quake and helped Mountain View Estates HOA in Chatsworth, recover from it. I am currently the President of that 46 unit complex and have served on the board of Director for more years than not. Of course, I have attended various Neighborhood Watch meetings periodically and recently joined NextDoor.com to get the pulse of the community I live in.
Chatsworth will not keep its appeal if we idly stand by and watch it change of its own accord. While I am not a NIMBY person, because change is inevitable, I believe that small sacrifices from each of us can make this a great place to be for all stakeholders. One small sacrifice is serving for the greater good. That is why I am running. I hope that is why all candidates are running. I am confident that YOU will decide what the right thing to do is, when voting. Please let me make a difference.
Hello, my name is Spencer Goldbeck and I am running for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council. I have lived in Chatsworth for 7 years now, and I think it is high time that I started giving back to my community. Too long I have sat idly by while my town- our town- has been ravaged by homelessness and drug abuse. With your support, I will do everything in my power to return Chatsworth to the shining city on a hill that it once was. I will accomplish this task by working with my fellow board members, and by working with the Los Angeles City Council to get Chatsworth the support it needs. Our board has $37,000 allocated annually for the creation of programs, committees, and other projects to help the community. With your help, I will do everything I can to see those funds used for the benefit of Chatsworth. Thank you for your support.
Integrity. Honesty. Commitment.
Vote Goldbeck for Chatsworth!
I moved to Chatsworth in 2010 from the South Bay and instantly fell in love with the people I’ve met, beautiful open spaces, small town vibe and have a close to home appreciation for the Equine community. I’ve planted roots here with one child attending school in our city, have a new Daughter whom will be attending school here in the years to come and my significant other and I have a small Automotive business in our community. I come from a Medical background where I was a Crew Chief for an Ambulance company for 13 years that was primary Medical transportation for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and spent 4 years working the Emergency room at a local hospital. Since moving here I involved myself in clean ups, fought the DWP to keep the Nature Preserve a safe place for wildlife and our migratory birds, assisted with replacing seeding oak trees with the Sky Valley Volunteer project, supported small businesses andmost importantly helping preserve Chatsworth open space by fighting over development. If elected I would be very open minded, consider all opinions of my fellow community members and fight my hardest to make and keep Chatsworth safe.
As residents of Chatsworth we must work together to preserve and enhance our community by allowing every stakeholder to share in our vision of a better Chatsworth. High density housing with no additional infrastructure to support them IS NOT THE ANSWER! One size fits all zoning is disastrous.
Former Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Board Member and Equestrian Committee Chairman for 3 years, and I would like once again to lend my voice and experience to fight for horsekeeping and well thought-out development.
Born and raised in the West Valley, with 20 years in Chatsworth; a horse owner who cares about Chatsworth’s heritage and rural beginnings, and about Chatsworth’s future. I assisted with victims of the Chatsworth train crash, and received an award in 2008 for those actions.
Retired banker with over 30 years of real estate lending and troubled asset experience,
understanding the complexities that development projects can bring.
I will continue to fight for:
- Horse keeping rights, including zoning, trail preservation and expansion.
- Greater law enforcement effort to make our community safer.
- Balancing the needs of housing and working on homelessness issues.
Former LAPD Specialist Reserve Officer, volunteer mounted patrol.
My name is Mark Cox I have had my business Americas Best Chatsworth Karate here in Chatsworth since 1990, I have been on the corner of Canoga and Devonshire now since 1999. I have been with the CNC for two years now, I work on keeping Devonshire St and other Chatsworth Streets free from overnight RV parking, I chair the Homeless solutions committee, I volunteer my time watching the library and Lawrence middle school when time allows me. I have decided to run for another term here in Chatsworth. I have a love for this town and have taught many people here and want to continue to give back. We have more work with the homeless to do and I have begun a project on getting our Christmas Train back with Metro this year. I have some projects I want to see through so I have decided to run for a seat again
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