List of Candidates for 2021 Selection
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2021 Candidates
(Presented in Random Ballot Order as determined by the Chatsworth NC Board)
Alex M. Sandoval | Ally Jo Frush | Linda van der Valk | Oleg Korsakov | Carey Tri | Andre F. van der Valk | Robert Glucksman | Mihran Kalaydjian | Rita Dunn | Geoffrey Williams | Joao Silverstein | Marianne King | Georgia Altmayer | Jill Mather | Kelly Ann Lewis–Bortman | Tina Moore-Yamron | Jett Dunlap | Jeff Mackie | Frank Geraty | Don D. Paul | Nicolas Montaño | Paul La Bella | Jim Van Gundy | Vaughn Vartanian | Mark E. Labash
Alex M. Sandoval

(Alex M. Sandoval Candidate Statement Pending)
Ally Jo Frush

Linda van der Valk

I have been married for 50 years and a Chatsworth resident for 48 years. I have three children and seven grandchildren.
I have been an active community member since my daughter started kindergarten at Germain St. School. I was active in the PTA, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts with my sons and still active in the Chatsworth Historical Society. My kids played sports at Mason Park and CJBL. I want the old Chatsworth back. I want where my grandkids can go for a walk, go to the market or local restaurants without having to be fearful of what they will encounter on our streets. I know that the CNC is just an advisory body but I want to make sure that we put pressure on our politicians to help us get our Chatsworth back.
I have been active with the CNC since its inception. I would like to stay on the board so that I can work on the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Community Plan when it comes up for an update in 2021. This plan is extremely important to the future of Chatsworth. We need to make sure that our rural life style and our community is protected from over development.
I have been Chair of the Land Use Committee for the last few years. This has given me an insight on how the city approaches developments in our community. We often do not agree with the outcome but often we are able to have mitigations that make the project more palatable than accept a rubber- stamped project.
Please vote for me so that I can continue my work in the community.
Oleg Korsakov

A Corporate Hospital executive with over 14 years of experience in Health Care. Graduated from University of Cincinnati with degree in Health Information Management and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics with degree in Economics. I successfully managed numerous large-scale transformation projects for several Health Care organizations. I truly believe that with the knowledge and dedication I will be able to help move our neighborhood forward by focusing on affordable housing, healthy environment, small-business development, public safety, and resources for our elders.
I have lived in Chatsworth for 5 years and consider it one of the hidden gems of San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles. I believe we can make it even more attractive for investors, businesses, and residents.
I pledge to work collaboratively with our businesses and residents and seek creative solutions for ongoing challenges.
Carey Tri

Andre F. van der Valk

I am a 48 year resident of Chatsworth
Married 50 years with 3 children and 7 grandchildren, all of whom are active in Chatsworth activities and supportive of keeping Chatsworth in a rural environment.
- Involved with CNC since its inception
- Co-President of the Chatsworth Historical Society
- My family owns and operates several small businesses in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
- I have coached sports and involved with Boy Scouts in Chatsworth since the 1970’s.
- Graduated from Public schools, CSUN and a MBA from Pepperdine
- Own residential and commercial property locally
- Current Vice- President of the CNC
- Chair of the Design Review Board
- Chatsworth Citizen of the Year 2001-2002
- Service Award Chatsworth Chamber 2014
I would like to continue working with the CNC in order to represent my neighbors, friends and family wishes for a better Chatsworth. I will continue to be a reasonable voice at a time that California politics are not representative or beneficial to our Community.
I would appreciate your vote to continue my work in the community.
Robert Glucksman

Well, My Friends & enemies, (Don’t want to discriminate)
I, Robert Glucksman am now a candidate for the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council I have lived in the Chats. Community for over 30 + years, I am moderate conservative, I love this great city, & I don’t like the way this city has & is being treated. I feel we deserve better. I’m not a politician, I’m just a basically honest guy that wants to give back & make a difference PLEASE, Feel free to reach out to Me Give Me a chance
Thank you
Mihran Kalaydjian
My name is Mihran Kalaydjian and I’m running for the Neighborhood Council of Chatsworth to ensure that we can live, work and play in our community.
I am eager to help others in our community, and to make a difference. I have always been involved in school’s leadership, initiating leadership roles and tasks that can serve others, and thinking outside the box in an innovative way to come up with solutions to problems.
I have many goals. One of my goals is to come up with ideas that will help us maintain and create a better, healthier environment in our city. I would also love to represent the voice of adolescents in our community, young adults, and children, along with their families.
For example, I want to help fight bullying, by standing phenomena, and to social media’s negative effect such as cyberbullying. I would plan to promote better healthy habits among young adults and their families, raising awareness to healthy nutrition choices and physical activities. And overall, to support the board with any decision making, problem solving, planning, analyzing situations, and taking actions.
I am very motivated, dedicated, and working hard. When I set goals, I do not get discouraged due to obstacles. I think positive along the way with enthusiasm to work hard. I appreciate any challenge and am very task oriented.
Please vote for me on Saturday March 21, from 11:00AM TO 05:00PM at Train Depot, 10038 Old Depot Plaza Road, Chatsworth.
Rita Dunn

My name is Rita Dunn, and I have been a resident of Chatsworth since 2015. Prior to living in Chatsworth, I lived in Kagel Canyon. I was born in Venice, and am 39 years old.
I grew up in Los Angeles and over my life I have lived in Santa Monica, Lomita, Harbor City, Pacific Palisades, Korea Town, Pasadena, Altadena, Kagel Canyon, North Hollywood and now Chatsworth.
I understand the unique nature of the rural suburban communities that line the edge of the foothill mountains and one of the largest cities in the world. There is a delicate balance between preserving the rural character of these communities and dealing with the demands of Los Angeles Administrators.
On the subject of dealing with the issue of homelessness, I resolve to implement a real, cost-effective, long-term strategy to end it in Chatsworth.
I resolve to demand transparency on our public projects.
I am college educated, and very active in local politics, especially those issues that deal with homelessness. I am also an Environmental Site Assessor, and have HAZMA & HAZWOPER training.
I am an artist by trade, and I appreciate the beauty of the Chatsworth Neighborhood. If you want to see local action, vote for Rita, we’ll get ‘er Dunn!
Geoffrey Williams
Geoffrey Williams: As a volunteer with several community based organizations in the area, I see the struggles that many people are experiencing now: from our unhoused neighbors dealing with a severe lack of support and services, to the folks who are just trying to keep their housing and also figure out how to pay for food and utilities.
I am running for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council because I want to advocate on behalf of the under-represented and those in need. I want to revive the council’s Homelessness Awareness Committee and make sure it is there to help our unhoused neighbors, to provide support in the short-term while also pushing for real solutions on housing in the long-term.
I also want to push for projects to bring the neighborhood together, like a community garden – to have a dedicated space where people can come together, while also creating an opportunity to help support local businesses, and ultimately providing food for those who need it.
Obviously it has been a tough year and the pandemic continues to disrupt our normal lives, but I believe that we can come out of it stronger and more connected, if we try. Let’s build something together.
Joao Silverstein
(Joao Silverstein Candidate Statement Pending)
Marianne King
Marianne King: Chatsworth is a uniquely beautiful place in this big city of ours. Having been a resident/homeowner of Chatsworth for 25 years now, I have always felt a strong connection with its natural beauty, wildlife, semi-rural/equestrian lifestyle and overall western charm. My husband and I are avid hikers and appreciate the great hiking trails that are available in our community and surrounding area.
As a recently retired City Planner of over 18 years, I am very much aware of the pressures that the community can face with respect to development. My interest is to ensure that Chatsworth remains a special place for all. I am passionate about tree preservation, protection of wildlife habitat and open space areas, and that proposed development be compatible with and enhance the semi-rural feel of this community.
Prior to my city planner position, I worked for a City Councilmember for three years. I also worked in the private sector for over 20 years in the clothing manufacturing industry.
My advocacy for Chatsworth goes back to 2001 with the Save Chatsworth horse protest ride and attending the Santa Susana Field Lab Working Group meetings regarding the clean-up of the site. I have continued to keep a close eye on proposed projects, having voiced concerns regarding developments such as Deer Lake Highlands, Hidden Creeks, and Andora Estates.
It would be an honor to serve on the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and Land Use Committee where I believe my passion, knowledge, and professional experience would be useful.
Georgia Altmayer

CLEAN-UP, REDUCE CRIME, RESTORE, PRESERVE & PROTECT CHATSWORTH together! This is what I’ll work towards, if elected. I’ve been serving as a Chatsworth volunteer for numerous years & I am a 38-year stakeholder. If elected, I’d like to collaborate my extensive volunteer efforts with community & non-profits resulting in a bigger, better outcome. I believe in preserving what we still have. As a people person, who loves animals, my community & the great outdoors, I would be honored to earn your vote.
I am your Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, volunteering for Senior Lead Officer Danny Del Valle for nearly 15-years, co-hosting his meetings, doing clean ups, targeting trash, abandon vehicles, illegal dumping, graffiti abatement and outreach resources to people and children of poverty. He endorses my extreme community work, dedication & tireless work ethic. Additionally, as a trained LAPD VST volunteer, our team acts as eyes/ears to uniformed officers. COVID-19 has posed great challenges, but I keep trying.
Homelessness is a “hot topic” with locals. I don’t have a solution. I want you to know where I stand on this. I do not support enabling people to live on streets & do not support the Topanga Apts. Project location, but I do support re-locating it. I support legitimate groups helping people in need. Groups like Fred Jordan Mission, Salvation Army, Haven Hills, Hope of the Valley…. ones that offer work, assistance, shelter & treatment.
My associated volunteer groups:
- (Clean-up/Observation)
Georgia’s Email:
Jill Mather

I recently retired from a partnership with Trifecta Management Group as the Training and Development arm of the company. During this time, I have and still due serve as an AARP liaison for the district with government representatives as well as being a volunteer for their local activities.
We are hike leaders at the SSPSHP for elementary school and adult hiking events. We have lead hikes at Earth Day, participated in the holiday parades, support Sky Valley Volunteers, etc.
Being dedicated to the betterment of Chatsworth (and the valley), I have formed an organization called Volunteers Cleaning Communities ( We clean the streets of litter in various communities and I also adopted a large section of the 118 Freeway from Tampa to Balboa exits on both the north and south side that we keep clean. My goal with this soon to be non-profit is to change the culture of littering so that everyone takes responsibility for their own (take a walk, take a bag, take some trash off the streets).
I would work diligently as a board member of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council. I pledge to make a difference!
Kelly Ann Lewis-Bortman
(Kelly Ann Lewis-Bortman Candidate Statement Pending)

Tina Moore-Yamron
As a member of the neighborhood council I will work to maintain the small town charm of our city. It is what originally drew my family to the area. I will advocate for more community centered events which could showcase the businesses who call Chatsworth home.
Jett Dunlap

I have been a resident of the North Valley since childhood; I grew up and attended school here. My wife was born and raised in Chatsworth, where we both reside.
I had the privilege of serving the Granada Hills Neighborhood Council for nine years as a board member, additionally being appointed as Director of Outreach. I currently own and operate a small consulting business in Chatsworth. When I am not working, you can see me running near Topanga Canyon, from Stoney Point to Lake Manor, nearly every day.
There are two aspects I would focus on if elected: Rebuilding and Protecting.
Rebuild: In the wake of this nation’s largest disaster, we must make sure our community is brought back the right way. We need our residents and customers to shop and eat local again, and make Chatsworth the gold standard in a post-Covid world.
Protect: My wife and I walk our dog at night. We take a path that used to end in an epic view of Stoney Point. Horses walked in and out of this beautiful setting; I would take pictures at sunset. As of a month ago, that spot is just a cinder block wall. My aim for seeking office is to protect the beauty Chatsworth has to offer, and do what is in my power to preserve the unique heritage of our community.
If any of this seems like the right idea to you, please mark Jett Dunlap on your ballot.
Thank you.
Jeff Mackie
Jeff Mackie
I have lived in this west valley more than 50 years and have been a previous business owner in Chatsworth. I am a current resident in Chatsworth and work as a business professional.
I am involved in my local neighborhood and belong to multiple charitable organizations for the benefit of our community. I am currently serving on the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and sitting on the Outreach Committee and the Equestrian Committee. I take pride in serving and representing the Chatsworth community residents as a board member, especially on the items that impact our community the most and those that present the most challenging elements to our residents and stakeholders. I like to think that our community has something that others do not, and that is “Chatsworth Charm”, and I believe it is worth preserving as much as possible.
Even before becoming a board member I was serving as a committee member as a resident stakeholder. I am heavily involved in the annual Ride the Colt bike rally and health walk event. This is one of the two large events put on by the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council that is free to the community. The other large event is Day of The Horse, which I also volunteer my time to help present this event to the community.
Frank Geraty

Frank Geraty:
I’m running for a position on the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council. I want to lend a committed voice to my fellow neighbors who have worked and lived so hard in this community, but lack the necessary time to volunteer themselves due to their work and life demands. I was fortunate to be able to retire earlier than most, and have spent the last four years concentrating on family, church, and charity. It’s my turn to give back now, after 40 years in the technical field of TV broadcasting. I have 7 grandsons from three great children, and a lovely wife. I provide A/V systems support at my Parrish church, and I volunteer 2 days a week at Rancho San Antonio Boys Town West. I look forward to be of service if elected!
Don D. Paul
Don Paul
I have lived in Chatsworth since February of 2015. In the past I have worked for and on the campaign of Loraine Lundquist for City Council. I also was on the board of Hollywood United Neighborhood Council before moving to Chatsworth representing renters. I have always wanted to contribute to the community. Hopefully now I can be accepted here. Ron Rubine of Councilman John Lee’s office suggested I run for Chatsworth Neighborhood Council.
Nicolas Montaño
(Nicolas Montaño Candidate Statement Pending)
Paul La Bella

I am a 21 year resident of Chatsworth, married, 55 years old and have 2 children. I am a former San Fernando Police Reserve Officer and Medal of Valor Recipient. I currently manage a small Business in Valencia. I am Commander in The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and also a Parishioner of St John Eudes and Vice President of The Men’s Council for the past 6 years.
I love our neighborhood and want to see it prosper. I plan on spending the rest of my life in this great city and want to be a part of keeping it great. I believe the CNC does an excellent job in helping our community. If you vote for me, I will do my best to keep on doing the excellent work the CNC is known for.
Jim Van Gundy

I was first elected to the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council in October 2010. Over the years I have served as a member on the Public Safety and Transportation, Land Use and Outreach Committees.
As a member, and Chair of the Outreach Committee I have been involved with the Day of the Horse, Family Festival, COLT Bike Ride, Pioneer Day, Disaster Preparedness Fair, Chatsworth Parade, Garden Festival, and the Valley Alliance of NC’s.
I retired after working for the State of California for 29 years. While actively employed, I volunteered as a coach in both Little League baseball and Youth Soccer for my 2 children. Since retiring I volunteered at the Lutheran Social Services food bank for 3 years and have helped to build houses with Habitat for Humanity.
I got involved with CNC because of the proposed housing development on Andora that threatened, and continues to threaten, open space near the Santa Susana State Park. Our activism reduced the size of that development from 48 houses down to 33. Chatsworth is being threatened again by the housing crisis and an agenda dictated by legislators from other areas of the State. Through our work on Land Use Committee I would like to continue making a difference for the people and community of Chatsworth.
Vaughn Vartanian
(Vaughn Vartanian Candidate Statement Pending)
Mark E. Labash
Mark E. Labash:
Thank you for your consideration of me as a candidate for this election.
I hope that you recognize me from my frequent attendance at the meetings and appreciate the relevance of my questions to the council.
I have lived in Chatsworth for over 28 years wouldn’t live anywhere else in the valley.
I am the current President of Mountain View Estates HOA at 10125 De Soto, a 46 unit complex of Townhomes.
All you can count on in life is change and by my participation I hope to influence the changes toward the good of the community.
I recognize that many things that others do (and their personal agendas) are out of my control and this is a free country after all.
If one is not part of the solution one is part of the problem (small part of the problem though that may be) and by participating in the council I hope to do more of my part.
I will not make any promises to get elected (partly because I do not know all the issues that will come before us) except that I will serve with an eye toward treating everyone fairly and equally giving all sides their chance to be heard.
My favorite motto is: Say what you mean, Mean what you say, but Don’t say it mean. If all of us did this there may actually be less distrust in the world.
Thanks again,
Mark Labash
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