The Certified Results of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Vote
The Cerified Results of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council Vote
Winners of 11 at-large seats on the 21-member board of the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council were certified Thursday night as the deadline to contest the vote passed without any challenges.
There were 367 ballots cast. Of those ballots, six were provisional and those voters were given extra time, under the rules, to provide additional documentation. Four voters provided their missing documentation and their votes were counted. Two voters did not and their ballots were excluded.
Two other voters cast ballots for more than 11 candidates in violation of the rules. Their votes were excluded.
So, 363 ballots were reviewed, counted and certified. Board members serve two-year terms. Ten seats will be up for a vote next March.
Newly elected Council members will be seated 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 6, at Lawrence Middle School, 10100 Variel Ave. All meetings are open to the public.
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